Kofi Agyena Agyeman is a pharmacist and lawyer by profession. Prior to being called to the Ghana Bar, he was the Medical Scientific Liaison officer of SANOFI S.A., a leading global pharmaceutical company with more than 70 manufacturing sites in more than 30 countries and providing healthcare solutions in more than 170 countries around the world. At Sanofi, he was responsible for the marketing and sales of the company’s pharmaceutical products ranging from primary healthcare products to antibiotics and antidiabetic drugs. He launched Enterogermina, a probiotic product, and oversaw its acceptance across the country by the regulator, stakeholders, and the Ghanaian population. He has also worked with ELI LILLY AND COMPANY, focusing on diabetes insulin management. He has received practical training in pharmacovigilance and pharmaceutical regulation. He received his Bachelor of Law from the University of London. His extensive expertise in pharmaco-legal matters allows him to advise clients on regulatory compliance in the Ghanaian legal framework. He is the chief of staff in the pharmacy and medical practice. He is a member in good standing of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana (PSGh). Currently, Kofi Agyeman is a junior partner of the firm admitted to practice law in the courts of Ghana and to provide expert advice to clients on pharmaco-legal and medical regulatory issues.